It was the watch that changed everything. In the history of timepieces, few moments are more important than the creation of the world’s first Piezo quartz timepiece. First released to the public in 1969, the watch turned the entire industry on its head, inaugurating a new era of timekeeping. It’s this legacy that we’re honoring with the Timemaster Piezo Watch, available only through Stauer.
Prior to Piezo watches, gravity-driven Swiss watches were the standard bearer of precision timekeeping. But all that changed when the first commercially available Piezo watch came onto the market.
As the result of 10 years of research and development by some of the world’s top engineers, they figured out that when you squeeze a quartz crystal, it generates a tiny electric current. And if you pass electricity through quartz, it vibrates at a precise frequency at exactly 32,768 times each second. When it came on the market, the Piezo quartz watch was the most dependable timepiece available, accurate to 0.2 seconds per day. It’s still considered today to be a key advance in electrical engineering.
These watches were also the father of digital ones, and even though that first Piezo watch cost the same price as a medium-sized car, its manufacturer sold the entire inventory within a week.
It’s this innovation that Stauer is commemorating with the Timemaster Piezo Watch. With this timepiece we’ve set one of the world’s most important mechanical advances inside a decidedly masculine gold-finished case. The simplicity of the watch’s case belies an ornately detailed dial, which reflects the prestige of this timepiece.
Available at a fraction of the price that Piezo quartz watches once cost, we believe that this sleek and handsomely designed timepiece is one of the best we’ve ever crafted, and we’re sure you’ll agree.
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